
1512 palabras 7 páginas
A Roof for my Country
For other uses of this term, see Ceiling.
Ceiling is a Latin American organization nonprofit, led by young people from different countries in Latin America, which is dedicated to promoting awareness among people under thirty years regarding the importance that the needy have a home . Special emphasis is placed on (or shacks) in slums to improve their quality of life and conducts social empowerment programs. To date report having built more than 78,000 emergency homes and over 400,000 have voluntarios.
A Roof For My Country was the name by which the organization and apartir born June 2012 renamed "Roof". Latin America is an organization that was born in Chile in 1997, as a natural extension of the "A Roof
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Five months have passed and still works not only in Lima but in Pisco. On January 18 there is a large new construction window, Carabayllo and Villa Maria del Triunfo.

"We share this because we want to change the future" is the motivation of young students and professionals in the organization A roof for my country. This international partnership, which aims to build housing to improve the quality of life of hundreds of families in poverty, had an important action during the 2007 earthquake in Ica and today are looking for more volunteers to join the noble cause of helping.

The goal: to involve more than 20,000 fans on the Facebook page of 'A roof for my country' and that each, share this page with your social network walls so that your contacts know the work of the organization and join to be part of change. To achieve this, we have made a video in passing extracts of the work of the volunteers and how each, through their own social media accounts can become a link in the chain of help.

The campaign, which began Sunday night through Facebook and Twitter, is called "Share a roof" and the hashtag for the microblogging network is # ComparteUnTecho, and invites young people to pledge to work for the

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