Trabajo sobre filosofia de la educacion
Here is a stepwise procedure Jor designing I
is "ften necessary to "'parale Iwo immi",iblt liquids. ,he light and l>eavy phases. and a yapot. A typ;cal example in petroleum refining is the separruion of waler. and a hydrocarbon liquid and vapor. Linle ha$ bun publisll,,, counter· parts. except thai the oection dif· fen. fur the: vertical type. I baffle com· monly ~eeps the liquid "'paration
W I"" O _ .
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Y s""'.1er. • 'pecified.• uch ... a slug >Inme). 5. Obtain UD from Table 7 and initially o.kulate the diameter accoJding to:
L,,VH+V, - AT A v - AUL
Round to the ft. The minimum for L, _ d,,+ 12 in.