Resumen de sherlock holmes (ingles)

616 palabras 3 páginas
Summary: Sherlock Holmes

Characters: * Sherlock Holmes * Dr. John Watson * Irene Adler * Lord Blackwood * Inspector Lestrade * Dredger * Mrs. Hudson * Mary Morstan * Constable Clark * Lord Coward * Sir Thomas Rotheram * Ambassador Standish * Captain Tanner * Reordan

Sherlock Holmes was a detective and his friend and companion Dr. John Watson are hired to avoid the ritual murder of a woman by Lord Henry Blackwood, who has killed five other young women similarly. They stop the ritual before the Inspector Lestrade and the police arrived to arrest Blackwood.
Three months later, Holmes's eccentric behavior bothers Watson again. While enjoying their adventures together,
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Blackwood plans to overthrow the British government, and then conquer the United States and the world. Blackwood Holmes draws to a warehouse where she meets Irene, chained, gagged, and in the direction of a saw, although that saves time. However, Watson, trying to pursue Blackwood, is seriously injured when some barrels out of the store explode. Lord Coward secretly working with Blackwood issued an arrest warrant against Holmes.
Holmes is hiding and studying the rituals of Blackwood, concludes that the next target is Parliament. Holmes and Watson discover Adler machine below the Palace of Westminster, based on Reordan experiments, designed to release a gas into the houses of parliament, killing all but Blackwood and his supporters. Blackwood enters Parliament and announced that soon all but his followers are going to die. While Holmes and Watson are fighting against men of Blackwood, Adler off the machine and is pursued by Holmes. Coward Blackwood and realize that their plan has failed; Coward is captured but escapes Blackwood. Adler Holmes faces at the top of a bridge, but is interrupted by Blackwood's left hanging in chains, after a fight with Holmes, while this explains the technical tricks behind the supposed magic of Blackwood. In their struggle, Blackwood, with a rope chain around his neck, falls off the bridge and dies.
Adler says his boss is Professor Moriarty, warning that Moriarty is as smart as Holmes, but much more vile.

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