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714 palabras 3 páginas Business Plan Guide

Prepared: December 2009

Table of Contents

Preparing yourself 4 Analyse your business idea 4 Analyse yourself 4
Business planning 5
Regular review 5
Distributing & protecting your plan 5
Advice and support 6 Attending business events 6 Taking on a mentor or business coach 6
Using the Template 7
Template overview 8 Title page 8 Business Plan Summary 9 The Business 12 The Market 21 The Future 24 The Finances 25 Supporting documentation 31
Glossary 32


This Business Plan Guide and the accompanying Business Plan Template have been developed by, the Australian Government's principal business
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Analyse yourself

Are you ready to venture into business? Operating a small business is not just about working for yourself, it's also about having the necessary management skills, industry expertise, technical skills, finance and of course a long-term vision to grow and succeed.

At the outset it’s important to consider whether you really understand what's involved and whether you're suited to business and self employment. Examine these questions:

• Why are you starting a business? • What are your business and personal goals? • What are your skills? • What income do you need to generate? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting your own business?

Business planning

Once you've conducted research into the feasibility of your new business you're ready to write your business plan.

A business plan provides direction, keeps you on track and is usually a requirement when you seek finance. Depending on your business type, your plan could include the following sections:

▪ Business Summary: A one-page overview written after your business plan is finalised. ▪ About your business: This is typically called the management plan or operations plan. It covers details about your business including structure, registrations, location and premises, staff, and products/services. ▪ About your market: This is the marketing plan. It should outline your marketing

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