Agronomía Informe de Hidroponia
Este proyecto es el cultivo hidropónico, este es una técnica de cultivo de plantas sin la necesidad de tierra, siendo este un sistema autónomo, quiere decir, un sistema capaz de nutrirse por sí solo.
El estudio de la hidroponía tiene una larga trayectoria de la que se tiene conocimiento, desde hace 382 a.C. pero la primera información escrita data de 1600, cuando el belga Jan van Helmont documento su experiencia acerca de que las plantas obtienen sustancias nutritivas a partir del agua, en 1699 el inglés John Woodward cultivo plantas en agua conteniendo diversos sustratos y encontró que el crecimiento de las plantas era el resultado de ciertas sustancias en el agua obtenidas del …ver más…
In which seeks to show how the development of the plants without the presence of soil, water only, ie using hydroponics.
Barley was used, and a plastic water course.
The procedure followed was as follows:
1. - First seeds are soaked for 24 hours in one liter of water with a drop of liquor.
2.-Prepare the container in which to germinate, it makes small holes in the base.
3. - After they have been in the water for 24 sheets are placed on the previously prepared container and moistened daily.
4.-Is observed forage growth and record the changes.
On the first day to get them out of the water is that these were inflated
The second day is not seen a big change still swollen seeds
On the third day is starting to sprout some seeds
On the fourth day the hypocotyl appears almost all seeds but the roots were observed which appear first.
On the fifth day the roots are even bigger, larger cotyledons and growing
On the sixth day and all seeds are sprayed roots and cotyledons
On the seventh day the cotyledon of each seed is already large and grew hydroponic forage successfully.
Remember ** constantly moistened (3 times daily)
Daily data were collected to better study the growth of our feed.
Upon completion of this work, we conclude that the hydroponic growing success and is easy to perform and requires only small amounts of water in a short period of time (7 days). Therefore HIDROFORRAJE is a solution