Marketing e a propaganda subliminar

4901 palavras 20 páginas
Fortaleza, dezembro de 2009.

Isabelle Oliveira Albino Silva, matrícula 0287402.
Metodologia do Trabalho Científico
Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC - FEAACS
Administração de Empresas Noturno Resumo

Mensagem subliminar é todo conteúdo inserido de modo oculto, não percebido conscientemente, mas que é armazenado por nosso subconsciente e este faz com que sejamos incitados a desejar coisas, dependendo da natureza em questão, conscientemente. A ferramenta subliminar utilizada no marketing dos produtos é hoje muito difundida, mas não é uma técnica da atualidade. Trata-se de uma prática antiga, que já vem desde meados dos anos 50. Seu
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It is an ancient practice, which has been since the mid 50s. Their appearance took place from the attempt to not fall into the routine advertising campaigns of the time, which were becoming tiresome and uninteresting to the consumer. James Vicary, an ad man who became famous for being the creator of the term "subliminal advertising". After having released the results of their experiment using a machine called taquitoscópio which threw images in fractions of seconds between the commercial with the message "Drink Coke" (Coca-Cola drink) and "hungry - eat popcorn" (hungry - eat popcorn) said it increased the consumption of both in a theater in New Jersey. Even after Vicary admitted defrauding the results of their experiment, the term subliminal only cooled a little. For the advertising world has changed and continues to use such resources, as the case of grafted industry that subliminal messages in Lp's of bands to increase the selling discs. And it worked, even indirectly, the fans knew the insertion of such messages. They bought the discs. And forcing both listening to vinyl instead of detecting them, had to buy more units. Today it is known that subliminal messages actually are effective, proven by science. Moreover, the former are greater effect on our mind. Much mysticism surrounding the subject, the news is disseminated to the society speak of the occult, apologies, Satanism. What leads people to believe that it is extremely harmful. Sparking the


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