Zeus En Ingles Historia

694 palabras 3 páginas

In Greek mythology, Zeus is the father of gods and men was the King of the Gods that oversaw the universe was the god of sky and thunder
In Greek mythology, Zeus is the father of gods and men was the King of the Gods that oversaw the universe was the god of sky and thunder


According to one of the ancient myths about the birth of Zeus, Cronus, fearing to be overthrown by one of his sons, devoured when they were born. At birth, Zeus, Rhea wrapped a stone in swaddling clothes to trick Cronus and hid the infant god in Crete, where he fed on the milk of the goat Amalthea and nymphs raised him.

After reaching manhood, Zeus forced Cronus to disgorge the other children in reverse order of swallowing
According to
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After defeating the giant Zeus had to fight Typhoon stronger than all the giants of the earth, his head crashed against the stars their arms reached the two hemispheres of the legs down was surrounded by snakes, dragons had wings and fingers voted eyes started burning and then triumph of Zeus, after having obtained the victory to Zeus to be the favored touched her dominance over the sky and everywhere in the sea, Poseidon and Hades the underworld.
The challenge of his life:
Sequences were love affairs, joined Methis giving birth to Athena, then love Athenis gave numerous progeny: Mother of the seasons, the hours, and Irene eunomia dike and the Fates, then took his amorous ardor to Mnemosyne is 9 nights joined her in Macedonia by the mother of the 9 muses with Eurineme chantes had the 3 funny and loves of Leto was born the sun Apollo and Artemis the moon, the adventures with his sister Demeter and Persephone was born Dione

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