Las fuentes de la filosofia.

1095 palabras 5 páginas
Verbo Auxiliar“To be” de cada pronombre personal: Am, is, are. | Definición
El presente progresivo o continuo es un tiempo verbal del presente el cual se usa en dos casos: 1. Para describir hechos o acciones que el sujeto está realizando al momento de hablar. 2. Para hablar acerca de una acción o planes que vamos a realizar en un futuro cercano.
Formas del verbo “To be” | Pronombre | Verbo “To be” | I | Am | He | Is | She | | It | | We | Are | You | | They | | Para la formación de oraciones en Presente Progresivo, se debe utilizar el verbo “To be” de cada uno de los pronombres personales, seguido por el verbo o acción en gerundio. Recordemos que en la lengua inglesa, para que un verbo esté en su
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• If the verb has one syllable and ends in a consonant preceded by a single vowel (following the structure consonant-vowel-consonant), this consonant should be doubled and then add the ending "-ing".
Cut-cutting (cutting - cutting) Sit-sitting (sit - sitting)

• If the verb ends in "-e" and this is preceded by a consonant, the "e" is deleted and in its place add "-ing".
Come - coming (coming - coming) Write - writing (writing - writing)
• If the verb has more than one syllable and the accent falls on the last, we must double the last consonant when we have only a single vowel and consonant in the last syllable.
Admit - Admitting (accept - accept) Begin - Beginning (start - starting)
• When a verb ends in "l", and this is preceded by a vowel, that "l" must be doubled and then, add "-ing".
Cancel - Cancelling (cancel - canceling) Impel - Impelling (drive - driving)
• In the verbs ending in "-ie", this particle should be replaced by a "y" then add "-ing".
Lie - Lying (lying - lying)
Finally, as in all tenses, you should use the time expressions to indicate the action that bears the sentence is being made at the time spoken of or that we are describing future plans.

Time Expressions | English | Spanish | At the momento | En este momento | Now | Ahora | Today | Hoy | This week/month | Esta semana/ mes | Tomorrow | Mañana | Next week | La siguiente semana | Currently |

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