J.k. rowling

9393 palabras 38 páginas
Appendix A: SI Units
` ´ ‘‘SI’’ is an abbreviation for Le Systeme International d’Unites, an international system of units adopted by many national and international authorities, associations, professional societies, and agencies. SI is closely related to but not identical with the former cgs, mks, and mksa systems of metric units. Official information, development history, and more detail on SI can be found in Bureau of Standards Special Publication 330 1974 and in the SEG Subcommittee on Metrification 1981 publication. SI is based on seven base units listed in Table 1 and two supplementary units the last two . SI derived units are formed by combining the base and supplementary units. Some of the derived units are listed in Table 2. Table
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SI prefixes Multiplier 10 10

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