
3935 palabras 16 páginas
Mountain Research and Development

Vol 20

No 3

Aug 2000: 236–245

Andrés Etter and L. Alberto Villa


Andean Forests and Farming Systems in part of the Eastern Cordillera (Colombia)
Andean ecosystems are among the most diverse and threatened ecosystems in the world. Only very general data on the extent and impacts of the transformation processes that have affected ecosystems in Colombia are available to date. This study analyzes the transformation of forests in part of the Eastern Colombian Andes, using the landscape ecological approach, with remote sensing, fieldwork, and GIS. There are two levels of analysis: a regional level (1:500,000) covering 4.1 million ha and a subregional level (1:50,000) covering 225,000 ha.
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One is alteration of the spatial patterns of vegetation and geometrization of the territory, expressed in the reduction and fragmentation of the natural ecosystems (forests, thickets, and páramo areas) or in their total replacement by anthropogenic vegetation (crops, pastures). A second is alteration of hydrological cycles and associated processes, resulting in present water shortages in many areas, reported by the population. Another is reduction of the productive capacity of the soils. There is also loss of biodiversity, especially with regard to animals. Finally, there is even apparent alteration of the local/regional climate, most probably also related to extra-regional factors. In many parts of the study area, these problems pose severe limitations to the sustainability of present farming systems (Etter et al 1995). Although there have been vast transformations, several relict areas of original forest vegetation can still be found, upon which reconstruction and ecosystem restoration can be based. Recently, local communities and institutions have begun to study the causes of environmental problems and have undertaken environmental restoration and conservation activities. The present article is a partial output of a project initiated in 1990 known as Integrat-


FIGURE 1 Location map showing the regional and subregional study areas.

ed Forestry Development in the Middle Watershed of the Chicamocha River

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