Examen de historia de juliaca

1922 palabras 8 páginas
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment by N.C.Nigam,A.K.Maheshwari & N.P.Rao.


For any industry to be successful, it has become essential to identify the Hazards ,to assess the associated risks and to bring the risks to tolerable level. Recognising this, IFFCO-AONLA is continuously putting efforts for controlling the risks which are arising from various Hazards such that loss to Human life and property is negligible or zero. Its continuous best efforts to identify the Hazards and to bring the risk levels to tolerable level in the organization are recognised by several Government and safety regulating bodies. This paper describes briefly about various types of Hazards and their associated risks, how they are being
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ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Mechanical Risks Electrical Risks Fire/Explosion Risks High /low Temperature Exposure Risks Toxic/Carcinogenic Chemicals Exposure Risks Corrosive/Reactive/Radioactive Chemicals Exposure Risks

The first two types of risks are of universal nature associated with any industrial activity and not specific to a particular plant or process. Mechanical risks which are generally encountered are injuries to the head, Limbs, eyes, etc usually as a results of negligence on the part of operating/maintenance personnel in the use of improper tools, bypassing prescribed safety procedures neglect of personal protective wear and risks associated with rotating machinery as well as risks associated with high-energy release from compressed gases. Electrical risks which result in shock and/or burns are most often a consequence of poor maintenance, ingress of dust or moisture, handling by unauthorized personnel and use of improper/substandard hardware. Other categories of risks associated with specific plants are detailed here under. Ammonia Plant : The manufacture of anhydrous liquid ammonia involves processing of hydrocarbons under high temperature, high pressure conditions in the presence of various catalysts, chemicals etc. Typical risks are as follows: Fire /Explosion Glands/seal leaks in valves, pumps, compressors handling hydrogen, natural gas, naphtha, synthesis gas etc.

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