Estadistica no parametrica

5626 palabras 23 páginas
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Engineering School Sciences Department

Technical English 2: Project Description
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Inside this document you will find the description of the different projects asked for the current year, and the rules for their presentation Engr. Tatiana Violeta Vallejo 28/03/2012

Technical English 2 Projects for 2nd Semester 2011

General Instructions
The projects have to be done in groups of 6 students as a maximum and 3 minimum; any individual project won’t be graded. Deadline for written report is Thursday 12 for Section A and N (In the class), Friday 13 for section B, (Technical English Area, 2nd Floor, T-4 building, from 1 to 4 in the afternoon). The deadline for
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Oral and written evaluation will be implemented by the teacher.

Technical English 2 Projects for 2nd Semester 2011

Mechanical Industrial Engineering / Mechanical Engineering
Basic Measurement and Instrumentation
Description:  The students will investigate in a company the type of measurement they do in the control of production or for controlling the quality of products, they are going to select one of these instruments and they should make a handbook for the instrument  They will present their investigation through a video presentation and a technical report.

Procedure:  The students will visit a factory or a foreign factory web site to find all the information about the measurement instrumentation they use.  The students will write a report that includes: o Index, o Introduction, o Objectives, o Investigation  Name of the factory  Measurement instrumentation used  Handbook of one of these instruments  Application areas of the intrument o Conclusions, o Annexes and link of the video o Bibliography. They will upload a video to youtube, vimeo or other site for sharing videos.

Oral and written evaluation will be implemented by the teacher.

Technical English 2 Projects for 2nd Semester 2011

Science and Systems Engineering
Alphabet Teaching Program / Numbers Teaching Program
Description:  The students will design a program for teaching the alphabet to

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