El consumo y el ahorro macroeconomia

2657 palabras 11 páginas


Along this log I’m going to try to define and explore the different skills that make a communicator to be effective. For me, identifying how I use those skills in my ordinary life is helpful. I hope it also helps the reader of this report to understand how do the interpersonal skills affect and improve each person’s life.
But, what exactly are interpersonal skills? And what do we understand by a effective communicator and by communication process? According to Owen Hargie (1997a: 12) interpersonal skills can be defined as: “the process whereby the individual implements a set of goal-directed, inter-related, situationally appropriate social behaviours which are learned and controlled”, by this means that
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At my university lessons I usually ask everything I don’t understand, usually first to the person I have next to me and then to the professor. Once I didn’t ask to my mates because I didn’t know anyone and I neither ask to the professor because I thought he already explained it. When I was studying I decided to go over that question and study the rest, the bad point was that in the exam was one of the first questions from which you had to base the rest of it, so I failed.

-My learning from the experience I should always ask any doubt I have, even I think is not important or already explained, so I can face the different situations (exams, presentations, job interviews…) with full knowledge of them.

-Relationship to theory I was in a situation where I should have asked a recall question in private, so the professor could solve my doubt without disturbing the rest of the class explaining the same point two times.

-Applications for the future I will pay more attention to the lessons so I don’t miss any bit and in case I miss something I will go to the professor after the lesson and ask any doubt I have.


-Concept “The complex, learned human process of

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