Desafios del sistema educativo para lograr la equidad

786 palabras 4 páginas
Imagine not being able to move
In the same spot, In the same groove
Not knowing when you'll be free
Your heart is searching for a moment of glee
That's Child Labor

Imagine not being able to eat 3 meals a day
You never get a chance to play
The money you make is less then a dollar
Like you're hooked by a collar
That's Child Labor

You feel like your life is over
Like you will never find your 4-leaf clover
There's nothing for you to remember
But your work as a Child Laborer
That's Child Labor

Don't worry you'll be free
You'll see
We are all helping you
Just belive
That's why we're here
Don't fear
That's why we're fighting Child Labor
By: Katy,7th Grade Smyrna Middle School,USA
…ver más…

Others are street children, peddling or running errands to earn a living. Some are domestic workers, prostitutes or factory workers. All are children who have no fair chance of a real childhood, an education, or a better life.
According to the international labour organization, 246 million children are child labour, 73 million working children are less than 10 years old, no country is immune: The are 2,5 million working children in the developed economics, and another 2,5 million in transition economies. Every year 22,000 children die in work-related accidents. The largest number of working children -127 million-age 14 and under is in the Asia Pacific region, sub-Saharan Africa has the largest proportion of working children: nearly one-third of children age 14 and under (48 million children). Most children work in the informal sector, without legal or regulatory protection: 70% in agriculture, commercial hunting and finishing or forestry, 8% in manufacturing, 8% in wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels, 7% in community, social and personal service, such as domestic work, 8,4 million children are trapped in slavery, trafficking, debt bondage, prostitution, pornography and other illicit activities. (The above information is from the international labour organization website) (Accessed

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