
896 palabras 4 páginas
The hotel industry has served for many years and always they exalt to the guest and the customer above everything. So always they have looked for changes in their knowledge about customer service and provide more advantages and more services to the guest. Therefore it became necessary to include in the service, a person who helps with luggage and accompany to the guest to the room to make his stay more enjoyable.This person known as bellboy became so important in providing a grateful service that was inevitable the creation of an exclusive area of this service, now known as the uniformed department.
With the next work we wanna give to know all the possible about uniformed department, its history, people who agree uniformed
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This is the personal greeting. He is responsible for finding the arriving guests, and assist in the unloading of luggage. Also, it is up to the doorman to call taxis when guests require them.

The hotel parking lot must have a group or valet parking valets to save and return to the guests. In a medium category hotel, park the guests' vehicles may be the responsibility of the

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