Análisis el arte de mentir según mario vargas llosa

873 palabras 4 páginas

This essay will focus on the phenomenon that is pervasive(penetrante) in our lives, although we may not always be able to spot it(detectarlo) in ourselves and others. The issue is addiction, both physical and psychological. Physically addiction is a pathological body state when a person cannot discontinue the use of the substance without damage to one's health or physical condition. The state of the drug addict who is suddenly deprived(privado) of drugs is so severe that a person can go to extremes, such as kill somebody to get access to the drugs.

From this chronic condition related to the use of certain substances that results in physical dependence, the concept of addiction was transferred to psychological
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Another possible explanation is that they are too bored with their daily routine and wants a breath of fresh air from a different world or setting - for instance, seeing exotic places on the screen behind him when he is doing something.

Take the case of me, for me, I am addicted to news - I have to be aware of what is going on in the world every day, I feel frustrated when I cannot get to the Internet or TV to get an update of the latest events. Some people may say that it is a good feature because it keeps me well-informed, but I realize that it should not be taken to extremes. In this case information can also become a source of addiction, especially in today's world where the stream of information is so constant that human beings are really at a risk for being overwhelmed and stressed by sheer volumes of information. At the same time when we get so much of it, we get into the habit of processing these huge amounts and feel lost and out of place when we find it missing, and the flow of information turns into a trickle.

To conclude, these examples are mostly mild addictions that do not really spoil the lives (hechar a perder la vida) of the addicts or those surround them. To give one last example, when addiction becomes more severe, it can turn into a mania that is a serious psychological disorder and makes a person a lunatic. It is up to psychologists to draw a line between anomaly and norm, and up to each of us

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