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2275 palabras 10 páginas
Questions on the text.
The masque of the Red Death. 1. - Why did Prince Prospero decide to take his friends far away to one of his distant castles?
Prince Prospero took his friends to one of his distant castles so that they would all be safe from the Red Death. 2. - How was the suite in Prince Prospero's castle different from suites in other palaces?
The suite was different because in other palaces, suites are built in a straight line. In Prince Prospero's palace there was a sharp turn every seven or ten metres so that you could only see one room at a time. In the middle of each wall, right and left, was high and narrow window. These windows looked over a corridor that ran next to the rooms. The stained glass windows were made
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The prisoner thought he saw the pendulum move a little.

10. - What did he see when he looked up the next time?

When he looked up the next time, the narrator saw that the movement of the pendulum had increased. It was moving much faster now and had come lower down.

11. - What new type of death did the narrator realise the Inquisition had prepared for him?

The narrator realised that the Inquisition intended the pendulum to cut through his body to as it came closer and closer to him.

12. - How did the narrator free himself from the strap?

The narrator freed himself from the strap by rubbing the strap with some of the juice from the meat that had been on the plate. This attracted the many rats in the cell to the leather of the strap and the yate through it.

13. - What new form of torture followed the pendulum?

The new form of torture that followed the pendulum was that the walls, which were made of iron, began to get hot and the started to come closer and closer to him. The narrator was forced towards the centre of the cell as the walls closed in on him and this brought him towards the coolness and terror of the pit.

14. - What happened at the end of the story?

At the end of the story, the narrator was just about to fall into the pit, when he heard voices, trumpets and a violent noise. The walls moved back and an outs treched arm caught his hand. The French Army had entered Toledo and the

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