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710 palabras 3 páginas
A Brief History of Venezuela
Procter & Gamble de Venezuela was founded in July 1950. The construction of a detergent and toilet soap factory and a small warehouse was completed in Caracas in 1952. In 1981, a new plant started up in Barquisimeto. The capacity of this plant was expanded threefold in 1995. In September 1987, Caracas became the location of P&G's Latin America Division Headquarters and the Latin America Research and Development Technical Center. Both locations give support to all the subsidiaries within the region. In 1991, Procter & Gamble de Venezuela acquired Industrias Mammi, which manufactures sanitary napkins and diapers. P&G acquired the Lavansan Household Cleaner and Bleaches business from Productos Cruz Verde in 1995.
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Success Drivers Assessment (Online)
Assesses your background, experiences, interests, and work-related attitudes and measures your compatibility against P&G competencies for defining successful job performance.
* Online delivery allows 24/7 access * Take as much time as you need to complete—most applicants take between 20 and 30 minutes * Available in over 20 languages
Sample Question:
When organizing a work team, you have selected those who: * Have different strengths * Have the most technical expertise * Cooperate with each other * Follow instructions * Think like you
Reasoning Screen (Online)
Depending on your desired position you may be asked to complete the Reasoning Screen. The Reasoning Screen measures your cognitive ability. This is important because the nature of our work is complex and continually changing.
* Online delivery allows 24/7 access * 15 questions * 2 minutes and 30 seconds allowed for each question * Test takes approximately 30 minutes * Available in over 20 languages
Sample Question:

Reasoning Test (In-Person)
Depending on your desired position you may be asked to complete our paper-and-pencil Reasoning Test. The test is delivered on campus or as a part of your final interview. This test measures your reasoning skills using numerical, logic-based and figural reasoning type questions.
To help

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