Sinopsis antwone fisher

1064 palabras 5 páginas

La película narra la vida de Antwone Fisher, un joven de la marina de EUA que tiene problemas con su comportamiento, la ira es principal problema de este muchacho, dentro de la marina lo obligan a tomar sesiones con el psiquiatra después de varios problemas con los demás chicos.

En un principio se siente incomodo con las sesiones y no acude con frecuencia al tratamiento, pero al pasar el tiempo Antwone comienza a entirse familiarizado con el Dr. Davenport, y le comienza agradar el asistir a sus sesiones, dentro de sus sesiones comienza a recordar su vida, a recordar su pasado con la ayuda del dr. para así encontrar el porqué de su ira. Recordó que el vivió en un hogar y una familia adoptiva, también recordó los maltratos de
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Davenport was gradually finding the path that would lead to the problem of Antwone, as was knowing the past achievement to make a change in the life of this boy named Antwone.

Over time decides to find his real family, reality his birth mother, he wants to know his mom, talk to her, he dreams how would be her face, he finds with the help of his girlfriend Cherly, a young woman who knows with the help of dr. Davenport in the navy. With the help and company of Cherly, Antwone struggle to overcome his past and discover his identity. At the end of the film finds his family by the biological father and with the help of his uncle, he meets his biological mother, a dream he had a lot of nights, he talks to her about his life and retired very sad, returns to family home of his father in which you have prepared a great welcome. To end the film returns to the naval base and glad you talk to dr. Davenport on the experience of meeting their families and give him a big hug.


Is supposed that this was the life of the young Antwone Fisher, a black orphan boy that who lived his childhood and youth in a adoptive home where he was abused and humiliated until one day he escaped of everything and joined to the Navy US where after getting into several ended up in the hands of the psiquiatrist who saw in him the son he never could have and pushed him to find his origins, himself, and lost his virginity step. What else can guess.

It’s a story of secrets and confidences

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