Resumen la historia de manu

1885 palabras 8 páginas
' Macro grabada el 23/07/2010 por LADE

' Ubicación C:\Documents and Settings\ldelgado\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\personal.xlsb

Function IsOpen(FileName As String) As Boolean

Dim wb As Workbook

For Each wb In Application.Workbooks

If UCase(wb.Name) = UCase(FileName) Then

IsOpen = True

Exit Function

End If

Next wb

IsOpen = False

End Function

Sub dispatcher()


' dispatcher Macro

' Macro grabada el 03/08/2008 por Authorized User


' Acceso directo: CTRL+d


strnombre = ActiveSheet.Parent.FullName

folio = Range("i9").Value

Fecha = Range("i6").Value

Diir = Range("f17").Value

numCliente = Range("e5").Value

Turno = Range("e9").Value

Despachador =
…ver más…

.AddIndent = False

.IndentLevel = 0

.ShrinkToFit = False

.ReadingOrder = xlContext

End With


With Selection

.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify

.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter

.WrapText = True

.Orientation = 0

.AddIndent = False

.IndentLevel = 0

.ShrinkToFit = False

.ReadingOrder = xlContext

.MergeCells = True

End With

ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Preview:=True, Collate:= _




End Sub

Sub Limpiar()

folio = Emply

Fecha = Emply

Diir = Emply

num = Emply

DirNum = Emply

numCliente = Emply

Turno = Emply

Despacher = Emply

Capturo = Emply

Tecnico = Emply

Clase = Emply

T1 = Emply

T2 = Emply

T3 = Emply

T4 = Emply

T5 = Emply

T6 = Emply

Dep = Emply

Reporto = Emply

Prob = Emply

sol = Emply

ProbSol = Emply

End Sub

Sub Etiqueta()

' Acceso directo: CTRL+e

'Dim NomActual As String

Dim EtiqNueva As String

Dim txtsup As String

Dim txtremp As String

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'NomActual = ActiveCell.Worksheet.Name


txtsup = "/"

txtremp = "-"

For Each C In Selection

C.Value = Replace(C.Value,

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