Resumen - experimentando a dios

7044 palabras 29 páginas
Mauro Picardo

American Dream

I was reading the newspaper, when I saw a title at that said “The end of American dream?” The note was talked about the thousands of American losing those houses and the bad economy on last years. The dream became nightmare for same people. The title was what impacted me, “the end of the American dream?” at that time for being an emigrant, came to my mind other things associated with my own goals.
When my wife and I, come to United State, we did this because our goals were start our family, have an own house, finish the college and progress economically. Always we listened about the “American Dream” and we thought this is place where we can do our goals; but what is the American Dream? Could be we part of
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it seems strange but now I pay attention to my American friends and what they think about what is "their American dream" is hard to find good models right now but I especially like that of: Martin Luther King delivers his iconic speech "I Have a Dream" and urges America to "make real the promises of democracy."
Is the American Dream attainable by all the people in the same way?
Some say, that the American Dream has become the pursuit of material prosperity - that people work more hours to get bigger cars, fancier homes, the fruits of prosperity for their families - but have less time to enjoy their prosperity. Others say that the American Dream is beyond the grasp of the working poor who must work two jobs to insure their family’s survival. Yet others look toward a new American Dream with less focus on financial gain and more emphasis on living a simple, fulfilling life.
Thomas Wolfe said, "…to every man, regardless of his birth, his shining, golden opportunity ….the right to live, to work, to be himself, and to become whatever thing his manhood and his vision can combine to make him."
I am from South America and the immigration from our countries is really big.
The Latino American Dream: High Hopes and Harsh Realities is the first report to take an in-depth look at what the American Dream means to Latinos in the United States. The

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