Resumen acerca de minerva

3041 palabras 13 páginas
Stepsister 1
Stepsister 2
Fairy Godmother

Narrator: Cinderella lives in a house with her Stepmother and her two Stepsisters. Her Stepmother never works around the house. Everyday she says.

Stepmother: Cinderella, wash the dishes. .. Cinderella, clean the house. .. Cinderella, work, work, work!

Narrator: Her Stepmother is not good. She is bad. One of Cinderella´s Stepsisters is fat with a big nose. The other one is thin, with big ears, and they don´t like to work either.

Stepsister 1: Cinderella, come here!
Stepsister 2: Cinderella sweep the floor!
…ver más…

He doesn´t find her. At last, he goes to Cinderella´s house.
Prince: Is the pretty lady here?

Stepmother: Yes, she is. That is my daughter´s shoe…. Daughter, come here.
Stepsister 1: Yes, mother.
Stepmother: Try on the shoe.

Narrator: Her daughter, who is very fat, tries to put on the shoe.

Stepsister 1: I can´t . This shoe is too small, and my foot is fat. It hurts! This is not my shoe.

Narrator: Meanwhile, Cinderella is coming down the stairs and says.

Cinderella: That shoe is mine.
Stepsisters: Ha, ha, ha… it´s funny!
Cinderella: Yes, that shoe is mine! And I have the other one.

Narrator: Suddenly she appears with her pretty dress, and once again she looks very beautiful.

Prince: I love you! I love you! Do you want to marry me?
Cinderella: Yes, I want to marry you.

Narrator: And now Cinderella and the Prince live happily in the palace.


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