Resumen Pelicula Kids

688 palabras 3 páginas
La película llamada kids: vidas pedidas el entorno de esta película se lleva a cabo en la desorientación de un grupo de jóvenes que están involucrados en en problemas de alcohol, drogas y sexo sin control. Al inicio de la película un joven se encuentra en la habitación de una joven.
Este joven va por la vida queriendo tener sexo con todas las que todavía son vírgenes del grupo de amigos ya mencionado.
En pláticas de amigas se toca al tema comentarios que hacen entre sí sobre su primera vez y sus demás relaciones. También se da el tema de que dos de las amigas van a llevar a cabo unos análisis para saber si no tiene ninguna enfermedad. Una de ellas llevaba una vida sexual activa pero la otra no solo había
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This will clear live your life by convincing churrillo chavas the aforementioned group of friends who are limericks virgin bone to have sex, the talk of friends playing the theme and make comments about your first time entresi and other relationships They also raise the issue that two friends will carry out some analysis to see if you have any sexual disease. one of them is sexually active but the other had not only been his first time with a bum, when suddenly came the day to go through the results and the girl who had an active sex life came clean of any bone analysis disease instead of another girl who had done only once with the vagus had AIDS. this girl will enter a crisis is to emotional and vague to warn poor passage through many obstacles to find him. Instead the young man was on his way to stud, smoking pot, playing Bounce watching your afro (clear) osea any disease analysis instead the other girl had done only once with the vagus had AIDS. this girl will enter a crisis is to emotional and vague to warn poor passage through many obstacles to find him. Instead the young man was on his way to stud, smoking pot, playing Bounce watching your afro (clear) and trying to get through the night with a girl 13 years old sister of a friend of his. almost at the end of the movie all the friends meet at a party (house Zulma) where ahy drug, alcohol and sex. the girl infected with AIDS comes to the house where the party is the whores but too late because

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