Prueba The Elephant Man

1750 palabras 8 páginas
Comprehension Test
The Elephant Man
Tim Vicary
1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? a It costs 2 pence to see the Elephant Man. b Dr Treves took the creature to the hospital. c Dr Treves gave the creature a card. d The police wrote a letter to The Times. e Merrick had a picture of his mother. f The King of England visited Merrick in hospital. g The Queen gave Merrick a box of chocolates. h Merrick wrote a letter to the Queen. i Merrick did not like the country. j Merrick died quietly in the street. 10 marks

2 Put the following events in the story in the right order. Number them 1–5. a The next day I looked in the shop window
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a [ ] beautiful b [ ] ugly c [ ] very big d [ ] very strange 14 Dr Treves thought that Merrick couldn’t _____. a [ ] read b [ ] eat c [ ] sleep d [ ] drink 15 Merrick’s mother _____. a [ ] died when he was born b [ ] often wrote to him c [ ] gave him to the shopkeeper d [ ] was a nurse in the hospital 16 Mr Carr Gomm was _____. a [ ] a doctor at the hospital b [ ] the chairman of the hospital c [ ] Merrick’s closest friend d [ ] a postman 17 Queen Alexandra visited Merrick _____. a [ ] only once b [ ] many times c [ ] every week d [ ] every month 18 Merrick was _____ man. a [ ] a strange, difficult b [ ] a good, quiet c [ ] an unfriendly, rude d [ ] a loud, friendly 19 His favourite books were _____. a [ ] adventure stories b [ ] horror stories c [ ] true stories d [ ] love stories 20 When he was in the country, he made friends with _____. a [ ] the local people b [ ] the cats and dogs c [ ] the birds d [ ] the lady next door 20 marks

Dialogue Who said or wrote this? 21 ‘I take him all over the country, you know.’ a [ ] the Queen b [ ] Dr Treves c [ ] Mrs Merrick d [ ] Mr Silcock 22 ‘Do you want more money? Is that it?’ a [ ] Dr Treves b [ ] Merrick c [ ] Mr Silcock d [ ] Mr

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