Ensayo sobre la investigacion y tipos de investigacion flag content
The contents of this document are derived from a Spanish/English glossary started during the course of one of our past projects. Although it has undergone an initial review for content and spelling, this document is to be considered a preliminary draft and most likely will need additional fine-tuning as it is reviewed and employed by others. It was decided that it would be better to have the glossary in the hands of users to start employing it in our work and through that effort, uncover any additional corrections or additions deemed appropriate. We believe that a document such as this, technical in nature and available through our IntraNet, will be very useful in our work.
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mpara - kerosene -- de vitriolo - sulphuric acid, oil of vitriol -- lubricante - lubricating oil aceitera - oil can; oil cup -- a presión - squirt can -- con gota visible - sight-feed oil cup -- de resorte - oil gun aceitoso - oily aceleración, la - acceleration acelerar - to accelerate, hurry acepilladora - planer, surfacer acepillar - to plane, face, mill; to brush acequia - sewer; irrigation ditch, canal acera - sidewalk acero - steel -- al carbono - carbon steel -- al cobre - copper-bearing steel -- al cromo - chromium steel -- al cromoniquel - chrome-nickel steel -- al manganeso - manganese steel -- al niquel - nickel steel -- colado - cast steel -- de aleación pobre - low alloy steel -- de aleación rica - high alloy steel -- de alto carbono - high carbon steel -- de construcción - structural steel -- de herramientas - tool steel -- de liga - alloy steel -- de nitruración - nitrided steel -- dulce - mild or soft, or low-carbon steel, flange steel -- fundido - cast steel -- inoxidable - stainless steel -- manganésico - manganese steel -- moldeado - cast steel -- muerto - killed steel -- para nitruración - nitriding steel, nitralloy -- perfilado - structural shapes, rolled steel sections -- suave - soft or mild or low-carbon steel acerocromo - chromium steel aceroniquel - nickel steel acetileno - acetylene acidez, la -acidity acidificar - to acidify, to acidize ácido - acid --