¿Por qué es importante el lenguaje en la educación?

1340 palabras 6 páginas
Consumer Behavior

Attitude Formation and Change: High Consumer Effort Part 1

What are Attitudes? In other words, attitudes are overall evaluations that express how much we like or dislike an object or an action. Attitudes are learned, and they tend to persist over time.
As indicated in previous lecture, schemas represent an overall set of associations that are linked to a concept.

Our attitudes reflect the overall evaluation of how much we like the concept based on the set of associations linked to it. Similarly, just as we have schemas for brands, products, ads, people, activities, and countries, we also have attitudes toward brands, product categories, ads, people, countries, types of stores,
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In other words, CAs and SDs will result in a less favorable initial attitude or resistance to change.

The Expectancy-Value Model
This is applied to explain how attitudes form and change. According to this model, attitudes are based on (a) beliefs, or knowledge consumers have about an object or action and (b) their evaluation of these particular beliefs (e.g. how good or bad the object/action is – thus we might like Volvo because of its durability and reliance?).

The Theory of Reasoned Action
The theory of reasoned action (TORA) has been successfully used in understanding attitudes. The model provides an expanded picture of how, when, and why attitudes predict behavior.

The Theory of Reasoned Action
The theory of reasoned action (TORA) model incorporates the principle of attitude specificity (i.e., the more specific the attitude is to the behavior of interest, the more likely the attitude will be related to the behavior). In general terms, marketers must therefore be aware of consumer actions as an outcome from the attitudes toward an offering.

The Theory of Reasoned Action
The theory of reasoned action (TORA) model includes not only consumers’ attitudes and how they are formed or changed but also how other people we interact with influence our behavior.

The Theory of Reasoned Action
In some situations normative (i.e., what ought to be) influences from others can play a powerful role in how we behave. For

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