Plan de mantenimiento de un centro comercial

2433 palabras 10 páginas
Worldviews and Therapy
Mildred Segui
HUMN8275/COUN6723/COUN8723-Multicultural Counseling

Ethnic groups around the world are somewhat related to ideologies and differences of one other. Today this literary article is all about comparing the values of the American ethnic groups to the Indian ethnic groups. Well, most of us know that the largest ethnic group in the world at present is Han Chinese group followed by the Indian Bengali group. As far we are concerned we have discovered that Americans are comprised of four ethnic groups namely the African American, Native American, Asian and Latino. Abreast Indian is comprised of several groupssuch as the Bengalis, telgu, Tamil, Punjabi and many others. So, for this topic we would take
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Journal of Multicultural
Counseling and Development, 31, 44-51.
Ferdinand KC, Ycas J, Miller E, (2009) retrieved from:
Sue, D.W., & Sue, D. (2003). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (4th ed.) New York: John Wiley & Sons,

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