Luces de bohemia y contexto histórico

786 palabras 4 páginas
Gestión del sistema de comunicación organizacional interno para el desarrollo del talento humano

Mg. Alicia Esther Tello Berenstein
Doctoranda en Administración de Negocios Globales
Universidad Ricardo Palma Resumen

En el transcurrir del tiempo, las organizaciones han experimentado modificaciones en sus estructuras. La gran connotación de estos cambios radica en la forma como se concibe a las personas, lo cual repercute en su productividad laboral y, por ende, en el sistema empresa de la organización. Una de las claves para lograr la optimización del rendimiento es cuidar el sistema de gestión de la comunicación interna dentro de la organización.
Justamente, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar la
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One of the keys to optimizing the performance is to look after the management system of internal communication within the organization.

Precisely, the aim of this paper is to analyze the close relationship between the organization's internal communication and job performance of its employees. For this, it is a historical journey that allows an overview of the management of people within the organization through history and how proper management of internal communication helps to optimize the performance of each employee working in the company. In turn, presents three research on the relationship between performance, motivation and communication in educational organizations. In all is a clear need to strengthen internal communication within companies, so that it will yield the benefit of all members of the organization, the latter being the company itself and customers (internal and external).

In any case, it is important to note that communication within an organization is significant to maintain the level of expectations of workers, their work motivation and performance to help optimize the business system of the organization.

KEYWORDS: management, internal communication system, human talent management, work climate, motivation, supervision, job performance, enterprise system.

I. Introducción

En el transcurrir del tiempo, las

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