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2117 palabras 9 páginas
OHMUN 2011

Committee: Security Council
Country: Canada
Delegate: Miranda Garcia Owens
Teacher: Inge van Marweijk Canada
Location: North America
Area: 9,984,670 km ²
Population: 34,124,781 Hab
Capital: Ottawa
Government: Federal parliamentary monarchy Monarch: Elizabeth II Governor: David Johnston Prime Minister: Stephen Harper
Religion: State is declared Lay but nevertheless the professed religion is the Christian Protestant and Catholic.
Languages: English and French.
Currency: Canadian Dollar (C $, CAD)
Member of: NAFTA, Commonwealth, UN, OAS, NATO, APEC, OECD, OSCE,

The true north
Strong and Free

Topic A Committee: Security Council
Country: Canada
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Even though Canada has no production of nuclear weapons, the delegation is conscious that nuclear weapons can be very dangerous and harmful and is in favor of disarmament of nuclear weapons in all the world, and proposes to take away nuclear weapons from all the countries with no exceptions, and proposes this committee to look for a solution which involves the prohibition of nuclear weapons even to those countries who think they can decide who can have or cannot have nuclear weapons.

The true north
Strong and Free

Questions Topic B
1. What conflict is North Korea passing by?
2. What's North Korea's interest in these military-theatrical gestures?
3. What other measures could the Security Council take into consideration?
4. What role are Russia and China playing in the current conflict? Are they being helpful or privately provocative?
5. What is your country´s position about this conflict?
6. Why and when was the NATO created?
1. Many countries are mad with North Korea’s production nuclear energy. The governments blame North Korea for using the energy to produce nuclear weapons, and of utilizing them.
2. Intimidate other countries and respond to the previous breaking of treaties and declarations.
3. Either prepare for a war with North Korea or completely isolate it from the world.
4. They are mediators, trying to help negotiations flow in a good way, and in China, host this

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