Historia natural de la enfermedad de poliomielitis

660 palabras 3 páginas

Unit 3

Change the verb in parentheses to the present progressive and translate the sentences

1.-Susan(eat) _____________ a sandwich now.

2.-Robert (listen) ____________to the radio

3.-Many people (watch) ___________ the street parade

4.-The clowns (throw) ___________ candies to the people

5.-It (rain) __________ a lot at this moment.

6.-Helen (relax)
…ver más…


Change to questions and answer them as suggested (with short answers)

1.-That man is looking for his car’s keys.

2.-Aunt Bessie is making candy apples.
______________________________________________No, ________________

3.-Some students are practicing English right now.
_____________________________________________ Yes, ________________

4.-I am talking on the phone
_____________________________________________ No, _________________

5.- That woman is carrying a big parcel
_____________________________________________ No, _________________

6.-Bob is running at the park at the moment
_____________________________________________ Yes, ________________

7.-The wind is blowing hard right now
_____________________________________________ No, _________________

IV.- Find a picture of a complete human body. Glue it and point the parts of it. (head and body)

V.- Copy the text “Real Superheroes” (A) from your text (page 13) and translate it into Spanish.

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