Historia del fierro
Nacido el 11 de noviembre de 1914, en Oklahoma City, OK, Eugene Nida y su familia se trasladó a Long Beach, California cuando tenía 5 años de edad. He began studying Latin in high school and was already looking forward to being able to translate Scripture as a missionary. Comenzó a estudiar latín en la escuela secundaria y ya estaba esperando a ser capaz de traducir la Escritura como un misionero. By the time he received his Bachelor's degree in 1936 from the University of California at Los Angeles, he was well on his way. En el momento en que recibió su licenciatura en 1936 en la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles, fue bien en su camino. Having earned his degree in Greek, summa cum laude, he enrolled in the …ver más…
He married Althea Nida, nee Sprague, and joined the staff of the American Bible Society (ABS) as a linguist. Se casó con Althea Nida, Sprague nee, y se unió al personal de la American Bible Society (ABS) como lingüista. Although his initial hiring was experimental, Nida was made Associate Secretary for Versions from 1944-46, and from then until he retired in the 1980's, he was Executive Secretary for Translations. Aunque su contratación inicial era experimental, Nida se convirtió en asociado Secretario para las versiones 1944-46, y desde entonces hasta su jubilación en la década de 1980, fue Secretario Ejecutivo de las traducciones.
Upon joining the ABS staff, Dr. Nida immediately set out on a series of extended field trips in Africa and Latin America. Al ingresar en el personal de ABS, el Dr. Nida inmediatamente emprendió una serie de viajes de campo extendido en África y América Latina. On these visits he worked with missionary translators on linguistic problems, and searched for potential indigenous translators, often using his SIL connections. These site visits led him to see that his most important role for ABS Translations' interests would not be limited to checking translations for publication, but of educating translators, and providing them with better models, resources, training, and organization for efficiency. This he managed to do through on-site visits, teaching and training workshops, and through building a translations network and organizational