Historia de los derechos humanos en mexico flag content

974 palabras 4 páginas
A Spreading Threat

“Army and police-force conflicts with heavily armed narcotics cartels have escalated to levels equivalent to military small-unit combat” -U.S. Embassy in Mexico

How far is Mexico going to let this problem grow? Drug cartels are taking over the country and expanding to others as well. “The Zetas” deserters of the Mexican Special Forces trained by the U.S. in the 1990’s, and defectors of the Guatemala special forces known as the “Kaibiles”, Expanded their operations into the U.S. by setting up trafficking routes into six states; California, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida and Texas. To give a better understanding I am going to talk about the history of this problem, the
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Although the cartels have outgunned Mexican Police since long ago, these highly trained and aggressive enforcers just brought this war to a whole new level, introducing military tactics and even more advanced weapons.

Mexican government is not in control of this situation. Drug cartels are posting “help wanted” advertisements. A 10-foot-long Banner on a pedestrian bridge over Nuevo Laredo’s Reforma Avenue was posted, persuading soldiers to join the Zetas. “The Zetas operations group wants you, soldier or ex-soldier,” the banner said. “We offer you good salary, food and attention for your family. Don’t suffer hunger or be abused anymore”, the Mexican government is losing control of this situation, if they haven’t already lost it yet. In the past year there were two thousand deaths linked to this war. Just in the border state of Baja California, 400 deaths were reported, this is ridiculous. The killings include judges, police officials, high-ranking soldiers as well as commanders of police forces. This is a clear fact that shows how the drug cartels are over taking the law enforcement system in Mexico.

The Unites States and Mexico share a 2,000-mile border, which has a dramatic influence in this dilemma. “The Zetas are offering $30,000usd and $50,000usd for the killing of Border Patrol agents and other law enforcement officers. If a Zeta kills an American law enforcement officer and can successfully

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