Fuerzas intermoleculares y solubilidad

651 palabras 3 páginas
One of each ten minors works in El Salvador. SAN SALVADOR (EFE). - The Government of El Salvador assures that in this Central American country one of each ten minor ones, that is equivalent to 188.884 children and children, he carried out some activity labor in 2009, in an official study that emphasized one “slight” reduction of the infantile population worker. “The 10 percent of the Salvadoran infantile population works”, today explained to Efe the head of the Main directorate of Statistic and Censuses of El Salvador (Digestyc), Miguel Corleto, on the document “Measuring the Infantile Work in the Survey of Homes of Propósitos Múltiples (EHPM) 2009”. It indicated that this constitutes a “average” of the population between 5 and 17 years, …ver más…

This study revealed that half of the minor ones that works, does in farming activities, a 30 percent in commerce, restaurants and hotels, and a 10 percent in in good condition domestic manufacture or. Of the population of working minors, a 60 percent resides in rural areas, whereas a 62.4 percent of that it lives in urban zones studies and works, percentage that in rural sectors a 57.5 percent reaches. On the conditions of the families, the survey showed that in a 68 percent of the cases, it is a home directed by a woman and in a 69 percent the home heads did not finalize the basic

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