Experimentos Ingles Español

1349 palabras 6 páginas
Title: The egg on the bottle 1
-A bottle or glass jar.
-One egg
*First you have to find a jar or bottle which is similar in size to the egg, but a little less for the egg, that prevents it from entering. It is imperative that the bottle has no scratch that could a low passage of air.
*Then turn on the matches and induce to the bottle.
*After that put the egg on the top of the bottle.
*Finally the egg introduce in the bottle.
-The air pressure decreases inside the bottle and this makes the egg introduced in the bottle.
1.- Which was the first step of the experiment?
*First you have to find a jar or bottle which is similar in size to the egg, but a
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RESULTS *Finally we have cold vegetables by the humanity QUESTIONS 1.- What’s the experiment name? ORGANIC REFRIGERATOR 2.- how many materials are there? Just 3 3.- what are the materials? -sea sand -water -Towel 4.- what is the first procedure?! First you put a container inside the other guy but it is centered 5.- What was the result? Finally we have cold vegetables by the humanity

TITLE: OBSERVING PROPERTIES 6 MATERIAL -A bottle of soda 600 ml empty -medium balloon -sodium bicarbonate -vinegar PROCEDURE *First place two tab teaspoons of backing soda in the bottle. *then add 30 ml of vinegar and instantly dogged the mouth of the bottle with the balloon. *After that shake the bottle and watch. RESULTS Finally the balloon is inflated by the gas. QUESTIONS 1.-What is the experiment name? OBSERVING PROPERTIES. 2.- how many materials are there? Just 4 3.-what are the materials?!-A bottle of soda 600 ml empty,-medium balloon ,-sodium bicarbonate,-vinegar. 4.-which is the result?! Finally the balloon is inflated by the gas.

Título: El huevo en el

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