Examen Ingles 4 Semestre

1193 palabras 5 páginas
Secretaria de Educación de Veracruz
Subdirección de Educación Media Superior y Superior EXAMEN
NOMBRE DEL ALUMNO(A):_________________________________ Núm. De Lista: _____________________________ BACHILLERATO “_____________ ” CLAVE: ___ ________________
NOMBRE DEL MAESTRO: ______________________________________________________
FECHA DE APLICACIÓN:___________________ TRIM:_________ GPO:___________
ACIERTOS:________________ CALIFICACION NUMERO:______________ LETRA:________________

…ver más…

2. I want to see Sara more often but I can’t.
I wish____________________________________________________.
3. I live in Malta and I don’t like this.
I wish_____________________________________________________.
4. It’s a pity Mary is not here.
I wish____________________________________________________.
5. My sister doesn’t know how to dance.
I wish____________________________________________________.
6. My best friend isn’t here.
I wish ___________________________________________________.
7. Why can’t you come to my birthday party?
I wish___________________________________________________.
8. I’m not watching the news.
I wish__________________________________________________.
9. She has got a lot of problems with her husband.
She wishes _________________________________________________.
10. Alex can’t speak English fluently.
He wishes________________________________________________. V.-Coose the correct phrases and form a Conditional sentence - type I, II or III. Mind the position of the if-clause and negations. | | 1) If I to Leipzig, I'll visit the zoo. (go, went, had gone) | 2) If it , we'd be in the garden. (doesn´t rain, didn´t rain, hadn´t rained) | 3) If you a lighter jacket, the car driver would have seen you earlier. (were, wore, had worn) | 4) We TV

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