Ensayo ley de extincion de dominio

3206 palabras 13 páginas
Catyl Paredes:
Part 1:
- interviewee born in Huancayo, 3 sisters in Spain (Barcelona)
- started building a yellow house in 2004; bought the bare terrain; by 2005 the first floor; 2006 the second floor; 2007 the third floor and other floors until 2008, when we finished it
- 2 people living the house but we have rented out the 4th (young family from Cajamarca, recently moved here) and 5th (brothers studying) floors, so 4 families live there, all together
- the majority of neighbours have transnational families, with members in US and Italy and I think this has allowed for them to make their houses, and they have all built their houses with 5 floors
- they see building these houses like an investment because now the house is also
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He will leave for Ayacucho to open a new business there, he's been here for 9 months and we're not going so well, we haven't really gotten used to each other. So the separation has affected us both quite a lot and he is now trying to build his independent life in Ayacucho
- my daughters had a different image of their father from reality; he is separating himself from the others, he is less kind and affectionate. But we are trying to not let anything affect our common interests: our business and our daughters. I

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