Ensayo la vida inutil de pito perez

640 palabras 3 páginas
the final project for presentation Will Be About Your Life. Should you describe yourself, and include information about The Experiences past, present life, and future plans. Will Be Given all presentations in class on octuber personality adjectives comparative superlative adjectives and
What You Used to like / what you like
Used to enjoy what you doing / what you enjoy doing
Used to do what you every day / what you do every day the use of the passive voice with at least 2 of the Following:
Interested in what you / fascinated by who you are inspired by / Influenced by possessive adjectives / pronouns.

Introvertido y reservado
I enjoy spending time alone more than meeting new people Disfruta de pasar tiempo a solas más de
…ver más…

You will have to ask them what they are thinking.
Down to earth, practical, realisitc
Detail oriented
Prefers dealing with facts, data, news and information about concrete real things or real people
Tends to focus and concentrate on what is happening around them at the moment
Very aware of

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