El candidato

635 palabras 3 páginas
5 Ways To Reduce The Toxicity Of Your Home

Our homes are Where We spend the great Majority of our time, so keep it Makes Sense to Them as healthy as possible. You Might Be Surprised to Learn Some of the WHERE in your home chemical toxins from eating Actually, your mattress, couch, carpets and cleaning products. There are A Few Simple Things you can do, to reduce a large amount of the chemicals in your home.
1. Cleaning Products
Switching to That Do not Contain products chlorine bleach or phosphates Makes a big difference. There are Several commercial Brands That offer cleaning products are not only safe That for you, but great for the environment too. Have a look at www.biome.com.au for Some ideas.
You Can Also manage your cleaning a
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Wherever possible, choose fresh, organic fruit and vegetables. If you must-buy non-organic, be sure to wash it well to remove traces of wax and pesticides.
Tin cans are lined with plastic coatings, Which Have Been associated with BPA leaching. Avoid canned foods So as much as possible.
Choose a non-reactive drink bottle s, such as SIGG to carry your water in. And store your food in non-reactive containers. Tupperware claim to be non reactive THROUGHOUT MOST of Their range.
5. Children's Toys
Plastic toys are associated with leaching BPAs with Some Countries going so far as to ban the use of Polycarbons in the Manufacture of infant toys.
Selecting safe toys s, such as Lego, wooden or cloth toys Will reduce your child's Exposure to chemicals.

Español :

Nuestras casas están donde pasaremos la mayor parte de nuestro tiempo, así que tiene sentido para ellos lo más saludable posible. Puede que se sorprenda a aprender algunas de las toxinas donde en su casa química de comer, en efecto, su sofá colchones, alfombras y productos de limpieza. Hay algunas cosas simples que usted puede hacer para reducir una gran cantidad de los productos químicos en su hogar.
1. Productos de Limpieza
El cambio a que no contienen cloro o fosfatos productos de cloro hace una gran diferencia. Hay varias marcas comerciales que ofrecen productos de limpieza no sólo es seguro que para usted, pero es genial para el medio ambiente. Echa un vistazo a

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