Daños causados por la tecnologia

1050 palabras 5 páginas
What’s new? endorphin 2.7.1
Maya Control Panel plugin
· Now available for Maya 7.5, Maya 8.0, Maya 8.5 and Maya 2008.

endorphin 2.7.0
Maya Control Panel plugin
· Maya plugin designed to facilitate the flow of animation data between Maya and endorphin. Use the Maya Control Panel to map your endorphin-generated channel data onto a complex Maya control rig.
Physical effect behaviours
· New class of behaviours added that mimic various physical effects.
· The new Fluid behaviour is used to represent the effect of fluids by generating drag and buoyancy forces on fluid objects. Use the Fluid behaviour to model the effect of large fluid regions such as water, quicksand or mud.
· The new Pusher behaviour is used to represent the effect
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· New transition event.
· New behaviours.
· New Mirror tool.
· New collision mode.
· New animation data files.
· Enhanced rig management tools.
· Enhanced Character Edit Mode.
· Enhanced resource compression.
· Enhanced FBX file support.

endorphin 2.0.0
· Multi-layer behaviours.
· Behaviour selection sets.
· Enhanced adaptive behaviours.
· Animation events.
· AlienBrain® integration.
· Perforce® integration.
· Scene file notes.
· Enhanced user-interface.
· New Timeline Editor.
· New look-and-feel.

endorphin 1.6.1
· Enhancements to Stagger and Tackle behaviours.
· Improved auto-retargeting (including new support for XSI and V files).
· Added FCurve Cleanup export option to remove discontinuities at the +/- 180 degree boundaries in exported angle channel data.
· XSI export now generates null entities rather than model entities.
· Additional sample scene files.

endorphin 1.6.0
· Enhanced pipeline support.
· dotXSI support.
· Vicon V and VST/VSK support.
· Enhanced FBX support.
· Enhanced character editing and retargeting.
· New higher fidelity endorphin character.
· New and enhanced adaptive behaviours.
· Customisation of behaviours.
· Editable material properties, including friction.
· Camera import.
· Backplane AVI import.
· Enhanced active pose and keyframing features.
· Optimised default keyboard layout.

Resolved issues endorphin 2.7.1
· Correctly imports FBX files containing multiple nodes of

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