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1542 palabras 7 páginas
Structural Geology

The Structural Geology course will involve 13 or 14 one hour lecturers and two hour practicals. It is very important that the students attend all the lecturers and practicals. There will be a mid-term exam, and a homework. As part of the course I hope to organise a three-day field trip to the Bursa region. I personally read and mark all the homeworks, so please take it seriously. The final marks are calculated as follows: 65% of the results of the final exam, 30% of that of the mid-term exam, and 5 % homework, attendance etc.

For all the lectures please bring along. a) Pencil, b) Ruler, c) Protractor (açıölçer), d) Electronic calculator, e) Millimetric paper

You can contact me any time in my room
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Practical: Streographic projections: contouring of the π diagrammes
11) 20.04.2011. Faults III and joints. Strike-slip faults and minor structures associated with such faults; joints and rose diagrammes, fault rocks: cataclasites and mylonites; introduction to stress, principles of stress, Anderon's theory of faulting.
Practical: Busk construction for the folds. Please bring along a compass and a ruler.
23rd April, Saturday, Field trip to Çatalca
12) 27.04.2011 Faults and stress; Mohr diagramme; Coulomb Criteria for faulting.
Practical: Finding the principal stress directions from conjugate faults.
14) 04.05.2011 Faults and earthquakes
Practical:.Use of the Mohr circle for stress and strain. Please bring along a compass and a (crystal plasticity, grain boundary sliding)ruler.
15) 11.05.2011 Faults and earthquakes

Source list for the Structural Geology
Check the webpage for past exam questions and answers and other materials for the course.

The main course text books are:
Ramsay, J.G. and Huber, M.I., 1983, The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology, Volume 1: Strain Analysis. Academic Press, London, 307 pp, ISBN 0-12-576921-0.
Ramsay, J.G. and Huber, M.I., 1987, The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology, Volume 2: Folds and Fractures. Academic Press, London, 393 pp,

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