Arte en la prehistoria

1636 palabras 7 páginas
1. | Select the answer that best represents a good prospect for purchasing the McAfee Web Gateway 7.0 solution? | a. | Companies with less than 1000 users | | | b. | Companies with multiple Web security solutions that are seeking to consolidate them into one | | | c. | Companies that prefer block/allow approach to Web filtering of Web 1.0 | | | d. | Companies with the need of a SaaS (software-as-a-service) solution that the vendor delivers, maintains and upgrades remotely over the Internet | | | |

2. | What is the key concern of a Human Resource Director for selecting a web security solution? (SELECT THE BEST ANSWER) | a. | The cost associated with deployment of products in the organization. | | | b.
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| Ensures that Internet usage policies cannot be evaded by hiding them in encrypted sessions, and that malware can be more effectively identified. | | | c. | It eliminates irrelevant data so customers can understand where their users are really going. | | | d. | It gives the customers the capability to enable or disable specific functionality as needed, controlling who uses the application and how it is used. | | | |

9. | What is the key concern of a CIO or CSO for selecting a web security solution? (SELECT THE BEST ANSWER) | a. | The level of difficulty involved in deploying the web solution throughout the company. | | | b. | System performance and the vulnerabilities of their systems to malware through employee Web usage. | | | c. | Protecting assets and intellectual property, and ensuring compliance and risk awareness. | | | d. | Reporting in terms of employee Web usage and employee performance. | | | |

10. | Many IT and Security professionals are not yet convinced that they need advanced protection with a hybrid security approach. How do you counter this misperception? | a. | Install a Web Gateway evaluation and prove how much malware is passing through their current gateway or proxy. | | | b. | Inform the customer that we currently support Internet protocol version 6 (IPV6) with McAfee Web Gateway 7.0. | | | c. | Let them know that we use the same security technology that powers the Cisco

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