Antecedentes de la obesidad infantil en méxico

1956 palabras 8 páginas
Stem of a Dicot Plant
Vascular Cylinder
This region comprises the pericycle, vascular bundles and pith (medulla). * Pericycle
The pericycle is made up of sclerenchyma cells which are lignified, dead fiber cells. These cells have thick, woody walls.
Functions of the Pericycle * It strengthens the stem. * It provides protection for the vascular bundles. * Vascular Bundles
The vascular bundles are situated in a ring on the inside of the pericycle of the plant. This distinct ring of vascular bundles is a distinguishing characteristic of dicot stems. A mature vascular bundle consists of three main tissues - xylem, phloem and cambium. The phloem is located towards the outside of the bundle and the xylem towards the

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