A importância da segurança no trabalho na terceirização de serviços na indústria petroquímica
Orientador da Monografia: Prof. Jorge Luis de Lima Maciel - MSc Coordenador do Curso: Prof. Francisco Adones de O. Filho - MSc
Aos meus pais: Rozemburgo de Paula Machado pela confiança depositada em mim e pela oportunidade dada no momento certo; e Elisabeti Carvalho Machado, por todo amor, carinho e conselhos diversos sempre visando o meu melhor.
A Deus, criador de todas as coisas e a Jesus Cristo, seu filho amado em quem me comprazo.
Ao meu Orientador, Prof. MSc Jorge Luis de Lima Maciel pelo empenho, …exibir mais conteúdo…
To obtain results mentioned above, it is important to assess deeply some aspects of the company service provider, such as infrastructure, technical qualifications of the company, reference from other customers, explicitness in the statements of costs and prices of services etc. Another aspect to be observed and that often goes unnoticed is how the outsourced company sees the safety and health of its workers: as investment or a cost imposed by legislation. This is important because neglecting this issue means not giving value to the chief of the company success, the worker and the contractor responsible for assuming the risks of possible passives arising from an accident generated by Outsourced employee within their facilities. Given the facts presented, there is the objective of this work, which is to highlight the importance of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in outsourcing services to Petrobras characterizing it as a tool to reduce accidents and protect the safety and health of outsourced workers through minimization,