Un Terrible Accidente Graham Greene

4209 palabras 17 páginas
Graham Greene

A Shocking Accident Un terrible accidente


Jerome was called into his housemaster's room in the break between the second and the third class on a Tuesday morning. Jerónimo fue llamado a la habitación de su maestro en un internado en la pausa entre la segunda y la tercera clase en una mañana de martes. He had no fear of trouble, for he was a warden - the name that the proprietor and headmaster of a rather expensive preparatory school had chosen to give to approved, reliable boys in the lower forms (from a warden one became a guardian and finally before leaving, it was hoped for Marlborough or Rugby, a crusader). No tenía miedo de la angustia, porque él era un director - el nombre que el propietario y director de
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'De hecho, Jerónimo, que murió ayer. Quite without pain.' Absolutamente sin dolor. "

'Did they shoot him through the heart?' "¿Le disparan a través del corazón?

'I beg your pardon. "Le pido perdón. What did you say, Jerome?' ¿Qué has dicho, Jerónimo?

'Did they shoot him through the heart?' "¿Le disparan a través del corazón?

'Nobody shot him, Jerome. "Nadie le disparó, Jerome. A pig fell on him.' Un cerdo le cayó encima. " An inexplicable convulsion took place in the nerves of Mr Wordsworth's face; it really looked for a moment as though he were going to laugh. Una convulsión inexplicable se llevó a cabo en los nervios de la cara del señor Wordsworth, realmente miró por un momento como si fuera a reír. He closed his eyes, composed his features and said rapidly as though it were necessary to expel the story as rapidly as possible. Cerró los ojos, integrado por sus rasgos y dijo rápidamente, como si fuera necesario expulsar a la historia lo más rápidamente posible. 'Your father was walking along a street in Naples when a pig fell on him. -Tu padre caminaba por una calle de Nápoles cuando un cerdo le cayó encima. A shocking accident. Un terrible accidente. Apparently in the poorer quarters of Naples they keep pigs on their balconies. Al parecer, en los barrios pobres de Nápoles que tienen cerdos en sus balcones. This one was on the fifth floor. Esta

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