Traduccion Under The Moon

4417 palabras 18 páginas
El viernes, después de tres semanas en el espacio, Kiah y Rilla terminaron el trabajo y la nave espacial OM-45 sobre un transbordador espacial a Kisangani. Kiah llamó a Adai y Rilla también al Comandante Zadak en Australia. La próxima mañana ellos tomaron un avión a Sidney. Un taxi los tomó del aeropuerto a la oficina del Comandante Zadak, algunos kilómetros al norte de Sydney. Espérenos aquí, Kiah dijo al taxista. Kiah y Rilla anduvieron a la puerta. Aproximadamente diez guardias estuvieron de pie delante de la puerta. A través del camino, un tren esperó. Rilla, Om-45, Rilla dijo. Ver al Comandante Zadak a las cuatro treinta. Déjeme llamar la oficina del Comandante, el guardia dijo. Kiah y Rilla
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I don´t understand him. Everyone is afraid of him, Kiah said. And Commander Zadak isn´t going to help us. Kiah and Rilla waited. They waited and waited. At nearly twelve o´clock, a guard came into the office. Come! He said. Kiah and Rilla went with the guard. The house was big and old, with big windows and many doors. There was nobody in the room. Wait here, the guard said, and left. Kiah and Rilla sat down on the expensive green and black chairs and looked at the expensive flowers on the tables. There were no windows in this room. Suddenly, the door opened and a tall, fat woman came in. Her name was Bel, and she was Gog´s wife. She had a lot of long red hair and she wore an expensive blue dress. Bel liked expensive things. She carried a cat. The cat was black and white: half its face was black and half was white; half its body was black and half was white. Why are you here? Why do you want to see Earth Commander? She asked. Rilla stood up. How do you do? She said. We want to talk to Earth Commander about the AOL. We have new numbers from the satellite.
Rilla miró Kiah. El Comandante de la Tierra es un hombre difícil. No lo entiendo.Todos tienen miedo de él, Kiah dijo. Y el Comandante Zadak no va a ayudarnos. Kiah y Rilla esperaron. Ellos esperaron y esperaron.Cerca de las doce, una guardia entró en la oficina. ¡Venga! Él dijo. Kiah y Rilla fueron con la guardia. La casa era grande y vieja, con ventanas grandes y muchas puertas. No había nadie en la

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