"The Woman In White" Actividades

1174 palabras 5 páginas
The woman in white activities
Chapter 1

1. Why did Porfessor Pesca want to help Walter?
Because Walter saved Professor Pescas live at once.
2. Describe the woman that Walter met on his way home.
She was a young woman all dressed in white with fair hair and slim.
3. What did the woman in white tell Walter that surprised him?
That she knew the Fairlie family in Cumberland.
Chapter 2

1. Who is Frederick Fairlie? Describe him.
He’s Laura’s uncle and Philip Fairlie brother. He’s invalid and had nerves problems.
2. How are Marian Halcombe and Laura Fairlie related?
They are half-sisters.
3. Who is the woman in white?
Anne Catherick
4. How does Walter find out that the woman in white is called Anne Catherick?
He found out because of a letter
…ver más…

Chapter 12

1. Why did Miss Halcombe go to the asylum in London?
Because she was very curious about why is Anne Catherick pretending to be Laura.
2. How did Miss Halcombe get her sister out of the asylum?
She asked help to a nurse and paid her to help them scape out the asylum.
3. Why didn’t anybody at Limmeridge House recognize Laura?
Because her pass trough the asylum had changed her.
Chapter 13

1. What does Walter have to do to prove that Laura is still alive?
Find proofs of the fraud.
2. Why is Mrs. Wesley worried about Anne Catherick?
Because she haven’t known anything about her for some time.
3. What did Mrs. Wesley tell Count Fosco when she met him at Blackwater Park?
That no one knows who Anne’s father is.
Chapter 14

1. Who does Walter think Anne Catherick’s father was?
Philip Fairlie, Lauras father.
2. Why did Walter suspect that the entry about the marriage was added later?
Because the entry was in a very small space at the bottom of the page and the writing was smaller than the rest.
3. Why did Sir Percival go into the church?
Because he knew Walter had been looking something in there.

Chapter 15

1. Why was Count Fosco afraid of Pesca?
Because he betrayed the political society in Italy which both were part of and if someone of the society recognized Count Fosco have to kill him.
2. What mark did members of the political society have? A red mark on the left arm.
Chapter 16

1. In which three ways did

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