
3925 palabras 16 páginas
1. Introduction

Magazines and technology have changed people’s self-image and relationships in postmodern society.

Women and men’s fashion magazines- whether people love to hate them or love to read them – and Internet dating websites have changed the way people find an immediate answer to their concerns. On the one hand, with the help of the print media, women and men explore those areas which they find hard to come to terms with such as fashion, relationships, and self-image. On the other hand, Internet dating websites have developed an easier way to get to know other people without having to leave their homes.

It is the purpose of the present paper to examine whether print media and technology, more precisely Internet dating
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Sonia Livingston concludes that the influence of psychology has given people a repertoire of concepts to talk about themselves, their lives and families so it encourages reflections on the way people were living their lives.

Psychology has contributed to the media and popular discourse about relationships.
In the media people see psychologists talking about new findings which are easily discussed in self-help books and magazines. According to Gauntlett (2002) “many self-help books are written for a general audience who want to change their lives. This is a good thing because the idea that women and men need quite different advice contradicts the modern, independent ‘anybody can be what they want to be’ ethos of most self-help books.
What is interesting to point out is the circular relationship that exists among the magazines, self-help books, TV programmes and psychology. They are interconnected and psychology finds its place in the media to present its investigations. The audience, women and men, receives from the media and psychology answers to their concerns.

Women and men magazines

Women and men magazines are a

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