
10775 palabras 44 páginas
Thanks for attending this speciality workshop!
I really hope that you enjoy it and feel like it gives you a great insight into the possibilities of player development programs that use modified courts and equipment. If you are left with questions after the workshop please email us

Evolve9.com is a specialist company that provides coach education and consultancy to large tennis providers and National Federations. Currently we are working with

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Tennis Australia Tennis Norway Dutch Tennis Federation (KNLTB) LTA ITF

Plus Tennis Corporation of America and a number of large facilities in the US We would like to share the information that we are always developing with you far beyond this
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We have to also consider the immature outlook that a child has and understand how all these factors will have a major impact in a child’s enjoyment of the game. Each child’s motivation to compete varies. Some seem born for the battle, while others shy away from competitive situations. As coaches, remember that children do change and develop, and the influences around them can encourage or discourage this competitive orientation. Rather than consider withdrawing them from competition we should:

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Ensure that it is appropriate - duration, format and location Send the message that performing the skills is more important

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