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3589 palabras 15 páginas

Table A-1 Serviceguard Commands
Command Description cfscluster • Configure or unconfigure SG-CFS-pkg, the system multi-node package used for clusters that use the Veritas Cluster File System.
• Start or stop the CVM package for the CFS.
• Get the status of the SG-CFS-pkg package.
Requires selected HP Serviceguard Storage Management Suite Bundle. cfsdgadm • Display the status of CFS disk groups.
• Add shared disk groups to a Veritas Cluster File System CFS cluster configuration, or remove existing CFS disk groups from the configuration.
Serviceguard automatically creates the multi-node package SG-CFS-DG-id# to regulate the disk groups. This package has a dependency on the SG-CFS-pkg
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If neither cluster_name nor package_name is specified, cmdeleteconf will delete the local cluster’s configuration and all its packages. If only the package_name is specified, the configuration of package_name in the local cluster is deleted. If both cluster_name and package_name are specified, the package must be configured in the cluster_name, and only the package package_name will be deleted. The local cluster is the cluster that the node running the cmdeleteconf command belongs to. cmgetconf Get cluster or package configuration information. cmgetconf obtains either the cluster configuration, not including the package configuration, or the specified package’s configuration information, and writes to either the output_filename file, or to stdout. This command can be run whether the cluster is up or down. If neither cluster_name nor package_name is specified, cmgetconf will obtain the local cluster’s configuration. If both cluster_name and package_name are specified, the package must be configured in the cluster_name, and only the package configuration for package_name will be written to output_filename or to stdout. cmgetpkgenv Allows the Veritas Cluster File System (CFS) admin packages to retrieve their configured values from the context of the package control script.
Requires selected HP Serviceguard Storage Management Suite Bundle. cmhaltcl Halt a high availability cluster. cmhaltcl causes all nodes in a configured cluster to stop their cluster daemons,

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