Situacion didactica "los dinosaurios"

702 palabras 3 páginas
Chest to chest
Nose to nose
Palm to palm
We were always just that close
Wrist wrist
Toe to toe
Lips that just felt like the inside of a rose
So how come when I reach out my fingers
It feels more than distance between us
In this california king bed
We’re ten thousand miles apart
I bet california wishing on these stars of the heart for me
My california king
Eye to eye
Cheek to cheek
Side by side
You were sleeping next to me
Arm to arm
Dusk to dawn
With the curtains drawn
And a little last nite on these sheets
So how come when I reach out my fingers
It feels more than distance between us
In this california king bed
We’re ten thousand miles apart
I bet california wishing on these stars of the heart for me

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